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Avoid Becoming the Next Anthem Breach: 3 Tips

The recent Anthem breach is potentially the largest data breach to date in the healthcare space. When your CEO or your largest clients ask you ...
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Microsoft BizSpark FAQs

AIS Network has participated in the Microsoft BizSpark program since it began about 5 years ago. We love our BizSpark friends, the program and everything ...
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Sitecore Named Leader in the Forrester Wave for WCM

Some very good news for the .NET ecosystem… Our partner, Sitecore, was named a “leader” in The Forrester Wave for web content management (WCM) systems ...
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Mastering a Risk Assessment

Mastering a Risk Assessment

In light of the recent news of the data breach at Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, risk assessment is our theme today. We welcome this guest ...
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Guaranteeing Hosting Compliance

Guaranteeing hosting compliance.  It’s pretty much something that AIS Network has always done, and it’s a clear service benefit.  Our compliance with multiple security and ...
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Security Trends in 2015: Five Tips

If information security trends from last year are at all telling, 2015 will be a very important year to pay close attention to the security of ...
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Security & Privacy

National Data Privacy Day

It’s National Data Privacy Day! Did you know that data privacy is so important that it gets its own very special day — annually?  Well, perhaps ...
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Compliance Analytics

Are you effectively gathering and making use of compliance-related data? What kind of story is your data saying about your organization? Ask yourself the following questions: ...
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Framework Updates for HIPAA, ISO27001, FISMA, PCI

Framework updates for HIPAA, ISO 27001, FISMA and PCI DSS have been the hot topic of discussion over the last year. As the world continues to ...
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Phase 2 of the HIPAA Audit Program

Did you know that Phase 2 of the HIPAA Audit Program is expected this year? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for ...
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Cloud Solutions

Secure Online Backup and Recovery Ensures Business Continuity

Each year, businesses and governments lose billions of dollars due to data loss. Sadly, these organizations could have prevented their losses if only they’d had ...
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Cloud Solutions

Preventing PHI Breaches: Five Tips to Ensure They Don’t Become Your Achilles Heel

Preventing PHI Breaches: Five Tips to Ensure They Don’t Become Your Achilles Heel This article first ran as a featured guest post in Electronic Health ...
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A Partner You Can Trust

At AISN, we don’t believe that “one size fits all” is the way to offer cloud solutions. Our business model is built on the belief that our clients deserve customized cloud platforms designed to meet their specific compliance, security and operational needs. If you have questions about the cloud or cloud enablement services, we have answers. Our experts are always happy to discuss your needs, so get in touch with us today.