Outsourced Hosting: SharePoint in the Cloud

By Michael Emrich – Associate, Marketing & Sales.

Undoubtedly, cloud computing is the future. According to the “2010 IMB Tech Trends Survey” published in October 2010, 91% of 2,000 IT professionals surveyed across 87 countries expect that cloud computing will overtake on-premise computing as the primary means that organizations acquire IT over the next five years.

Cloud computing has emerged only within the last few years and is rapidly gaining acceptance by organizations of all sizes due to its inherent flexibility in both price and capacity. Cloud hosting providers essentially offer customers convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of computing resources such as network connectivity, servers, storage, applications, servers, and more. These resources are rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort.

Cloud computing solves numerous technical problems that on-premise dedicated servers create. First, it removes the need for organizations to keep their own internal data centers, which require office space, power, cooling, bandwidth, high levels of maintenance, networks, servers, and storage – not to mention the applications that are run on them.

With cloud hosting, companies are placing their applications on servers that reside in fully staffed, purpose-built data centers; have redundant power supplies and internet connections and are fortified against an array of natural or man-made failures. This cannot easily be replicated in an on-premise environment. Cloud customers have anywhere-access to their data as long as they have a compatible device with an internet connection. In the end, the deployment model choice depends upon the organization and its unique requirements.

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