Guaranteeing Hosting Compliance

Guaranteeing hosting compliance.  It’s pretty much something that AIS Network has always done, and it’s a clear service benefit.  Our compliance with multiple security and regulatory standards such as HIPAA/HITECH, FISMA, FERPA, PCI DSS, GLBA, SOX and others repeatedly saves our clients time and money and helps them to avoid costly litigation over compliance errors. Up until … Read more

Compliance Analytics

Are you effectively gathering and making use of compliance-related data? What kind of story is your data saying about your organization? Ask yourself the following questions: How are you currently measuring and reporting on complaint data? Do you have the ability to demonstrate trends by month, quarter, response time, or complaint category? What is your monthly … Read more

Framework Updates for HIPAA, ISO27001, FISMA, PCI

Framework updates for HIPAA, ISO 27001, FISMA and PCI DSS have been the hot topic of discussion over the last year. As the world continues to be pressured with information security challenges, over the last 12 months, major compliance frameworks have recently been updated or are currently updating. In today’s current climate, incidents and breaches are … Read more

Disaster Recovery Key to Higher Ed at 2014 ACCS Conference

By Jay Atkinson AIS Network CEO   We exhibited at the 2014 ACCS Annual Conference (Association of Collegiate Computing Services of Virginia) in Charlottesville last week and it was one of our favorite shows to date. The ACCS Conference volunteers did a tremendous job.  They really take pride in the conference, make the vendors feel appreciated, and fed everybody well!  Everyone we met … Read more