Redesign for Police Site Delivers Enhanced Accessibility & Security

A picture of a police car and police lights and the title says case study.

After more than a decade in service, the state police’s heavily trafficked portal showed its age and had become challenging to maintain and secure. AISN developers, using best practices and cost-effective strategies, rebuilt the site with a unique, custom template. This modern design makes the site responsive, fully accessible and easy to load – even for rural visitors. AISN engineers provide the site with high-availability hosting, support, disaster recovery and enhanced security.

The Client

The Virginia State Police (VSP) tirelessly ensures public safety, security and emergency preparedness through leadership, collaboration and community engagement. Through 48 offices across seven divisions, VSP continuously protects Virginia’s 8.5 million citizens and roughly 30 million visitors.


VSP’s portal served the public and 3,000+ VSP employees well for over a decade, but the aging website required an affordable redesign. Built with static HTML code and no content management system, the site delivered inconsistent user experiences across browsers, operating systems, devices and broadband environments. Much of its functionality could no longer be supported, which impacted navigation, structure and accessibility. Additionally, noncompliance with Commonwealth of Virginia standards necessitated security and accessibility upgrades.


After conducting extensive research to determine VSP’s requirements, AISN developers combined a hardened content management system and commercial, off-the-shelf solutions to create a custom WordPress template with custom modules such as secure form submissions and an Amber Alert banner. Top priorities were ensuring mobile friendliness, responsiveness in limited bandwidth environments, analytics integration, compliance with Commonwealth of Virginia accessibility standards, redundant hosting, staff training, disaster recovery and high security.


The VSP’s heavily trafficked site now offers design simplicity, high accessibility and a consistent user experience across devices – even in rural areas. AISN has provided training to staff, alleviating their maintenance frustrations. In addition to 24x7x365 support, AISN provides high-availability hosting, disaster recovery, application firewall services, a CDN to mitigate DDoS attacks and monthly vulnerability scanning. The site fully complies with Virginia SEC 501, SEC 525 and the revised 508 standards to meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, marking a significant improvement from the old website.