The impact of the COVID-19 biological war on our commercial and government agency customers has been immeasurable. They face numerous challenges, including increased systems and data security risks due to remote work becoming the norm. In addition, concerns are related to legal compliance, governance, authentication, and encryption.
AISN has been putting technologies and security best practices in place internally over the last decade to prepare for this time — for ourselves and our customers. However, under the stress of COVID-19, some in the business community haven’t been able to do that. They are facing real struggles now.
Our esteemed cybersecurity and technology team and colleagues at the legal firm Sands Anderson advise clients of all sizes on data security obligations and risks. Today, we’d like to share their excellent blog, “A Practical Security Reminder for the COVID-19 Outbreak — Not Just for Remote Workers!”
As for this piece, do you like the photo of “the good old days,” pre-COVID-19 — when we weren’t wearing masks and keeping our social distance?
Laurie Head is co-owner and CMCO of AIS Network.