7 Cybersecurity Tips for Your Organization

cartoon picture of people sitting in an office setting discussing cybersecurity.

7 Cybersecurity Tips for Your Organization In the current era of rapid digital advancement, protecting your organization from cyber threats has become increasingly crucial. With the ever-evolving landscape of digital security risks, staying proactive and safeguarding your business’s sensitive data and systems is essential. To aid you in this endeavor, here are seven indispensable cybersecurity … Read more

Rising Threat of DDoS Attacks in Healthcare

Rising Threat of DDoS Attacks in Healthcare

Rising Threat of DDoS Attacks in Healthcare The global healthcare IT market is projected to reach $974.5 billion by 2027, highlighting the critical need for enhanced cybersecurity measures. Today, much of the healthcare industry’s work is digital,  leveraging technology to execute medical procedures, store electronic medical records (EMR, or patient medical history maintained by a … Read more

Why You Need a Routine Penetration Test

a laptop computer with a key and lock

Why You Need a Routine Penetration Test Ugh. How embarrassing! Let’s say you suddenly found yourself in the position of notifying your partners, clients, and vendors that cyber criminals may now have their data – because YOU failed to protect it. How would you feel? Pretty bad? But wait! There’s more. Your mortification will be … Read more

Healthcare: Phishing, Ransomware & the Quantum Leap

Quantum Computing

Healthcare: Phishing, Ransomware & the Quantum Leap In the rapidly evolving arena of healthcare cybersecurity, frontline defenses are continually tested by sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. Insights from the 2023 HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Survey, released this month, illuminate this battlefield, revealing that 58.52 percent of healthcare organizations pinpointed email phishing as the initial breach point, … Read more

AISN Cybersecurity Expert to Moderate CISO Panel at CyberConVA 

Summary:  AIS Network cybersecurity expert Eddie McAndrew will moderate a distinguished panel of chief information security officers in a conversation about leadership and careers at today’s RVATech CyberConVA to be held at the Dominion Energy Center in Richmond. Richmond, Va. — February 1, 2024 — AIS Network cybersecurity expert Eddie McAndrew will moderate a distinguished … Read more

A Guide to Building a Successful IAM Program

Multifactor Authentication. Username and Password.

A Guide to Building a Successful IAM Program For technology professionals, managing a robust Identity and Access Management program is no longer merely about safeguarding assets. It has grown to encompass streamlined business operations and driving innovation. To master this, professionals must align IAM strategies with business goals, implement and integrate the right identity tools, … Read more

How to Implement a Cybersecurity Awareness Training Program

A group of people standing around in an office.

Creating a program of regular cybersecurity awareness training should be a key part of your information security program. Read on and learn how.

Multifactor Authentication and Managed Services

Multifactor Authentication and Managed Services

Multifactor Authentication and Managed Services In today’s digital landscape, protecting sensitive information and data breaches has become paramount for organizations. Multifactor authentication (MFA) has emerged as a powerful defense against unauthorized access to bolster security measures. In this post, we will explore what multifactor authentication is, its benefits, and why partnering with a managed services … Read more

AIS Network Named to List of 100 “Best Places to Work in Virginia”

Summary:  Virginia cybersecurity and IT provider AIS Network has been named one of the 2023 “Best Places to Work in Virginia” by Virginia Business Magazine and Best Companies Group. The small business provides continuous IT leadership to governments and businesses nationwide. Richmond, Va. — November 17, 2022 — Virginia cybersecurity and IT provider AIS Network has been named … Read more

A Year in Malware – The Nastiest Malware of 2022

A Year in Malware - The worst malware of 2022

A Year in Malware – The Nastiest Malware of 2022 Much of our time this year has been spent working with our clients, making sure they’re ready to fend off newly emerging cyber threats or malware strains. So to look back at the year, we thought we’d round up what many experts agree has been the … Read more