How to Avoid 4 Common Cloud Migration Pitfalls

A transition to the cloud can offer a wide range of benefits to most businesses. But, as with adopting any new system, you’ll need to be aware of challenges to ensure your move succeeds. Once you understand the root of the most common cloud migration pitfalls, you can take steps to avoid them.

This post will examine a few cloud migration pitfalls, their causes, and how to mitigate their threat to your transition.

4 Common Cloud Migration Pitfalls

1. Lack of Preparation

There’s a reason why the Boy Scouts’ motto is “Be prepared.” Planning and forethought at the start of your migration can prevent much hassle. You can avoid this cloud migration pitfall with a simple cloud readiness assessment.

Take the time to understand how your teams use critical apps. Examine workloads to find suitable candidates for migration. Determine the reasons you want to move to the cloud and your goals for cloud migration. This will help you identify where to start your cloud migration and which operations might need a bit of additional preparation before you get started. A cloud readiness assessment can also help you make a business case for cloud migration — if that’s your consideration.

2. Underestimating Costs

Migration projects require adequate time, budget, and resources to succeed. Cost-cutting is a common benefit of cloud migration, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be upfront costs you’ll have to deal with. Underestimating those costs can be a severe cloud migration pitfall.

And the costs of migration aren’t just financial. Moving data, applications, and systems to an entirely new environment will take time and inevitably come with a learning curve. Ensure your migration plan includes budgeting adequate time for the move and letting your staff adapt to the new system. If internal teams are involved in the architecture or migration plans, remember this work will take them away from other projects.

Inadequate Training

3. Inadequate Training

Cloud migration pitfalls can sometimes occur after the migration has taken place. Your cloud environment may require adaptation of some processes. If your staff are not adequately trained in new workflows, they may improvise solutions that ultimately decrease efficiency instead of increasing it.

At the very least, all your IT staff should be trained to ensure you maximize the benefits of your investment in the cloud once the migration is complete. Ideally, all staff will receive at least some training to understand the goals of your cloud migration and how it will affect their workflows or responsibilities. Inadequate training can seriously derail the progress you’ve made with your cloud transition.

4. Securing Buy-In

A move to the cloud is not a simple “lift and shift” process. If team members — at any level — aren’t committed to embracing the new system, your cloud migration can be dragged down by the mentality of legacy-minded workers (whether they are administrative, IT, or executive team members).

Consult with all the relevant stakeholders at various stages of your transition to ensure requirements and concerns from all departments and levels are considered. This will give you a complete picture of your transition, helping you understand how processes and governance might change and ensure your entire team is on board.

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Need Help Avoiding Cloud Migration Pitfalls?

Cloud migration can benefit organizations of all shapes and sizes — if undertaken carefully and thoughtfully. When you understand potential cloud migration pitfalls and how to circumvent them, you can ensure your cloud transition is smooth. A cloud enablement services partner can help you navigate through common pitfalls to achieve a successful transition. If you have questions about cloud migration, contact one of our experts today.