AISN Website Modernization Drives Accessibility

Website Modernization Drives an Inclusive, Online Experience, Security and Compliance

AISN Website Modernization Drives Accessibility Making Websites More Accessible Around 26 percent of U.S. adults, or 61 million people, currently live with a disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To ensure equal access to information and communication for all individuals, the U.S. Department of Justice issued new guidelines in 2022 to … Read more

7 Steps to Web ADA Compliance and Accessibility

a person sitting in a wheel chair with large icons of a mega phone, ear and eye.

7 Steps to Web ADA Compliance and Accessibility What do you mean I have to modernize my website? Does my website need to be ADA-compliant? Does everybody’s website need to be ADA-compliant? These are all great questions, and this topic has become hot lately because website inaccessibility lawsuits are at an all-time high. Website modernization, as … Read more