Microsoft Teams Premium 

According to the Productivity Trends report from Reclaim, professionals now spend more than half of their 40-hour workweek in meetings. This means that in 2021, professionals spend an average of 21.5 hours per week in meetings, which is 7.3 hours more than in February 2020. It can be overwhelming for an individual to handle all the administrative tasks, such as note-taking, identifying crucial information, and documenting necessary actions.

This can consume a significant amount of time.  Microsoft introduced Teams Premium for its 365 subscribers in May 2023 to enhance their Teams experience. The new features provide meetings that utilize AI technology for personalized and intelligent summaries and webinars with increased security measures to ensure safe collaboration.

Teams Premium Features

If you have a Microsoft Teams Premium subscription, you have access to a helpful feature called “Intelligent Recap.” This tool uses AI technology to automatically generate meeting notes, suggest tasks, and highlight personalized information to ensure you don’t miss any crucial details, even if you couldn’t attend the meeting. AI-generated chapters divide the meeting into sections so you can quickly produce comprehensive summaries of your meetings without the hassle of doing it manually. This ensures that you capture all the essential points accurately and efficiently, thanks to the power of GPT.

The intelligent recap feature doesn’t stop there. If you need to return to a specific part of the meeting, you can create personalized timeline markers visible only to you. These markers indicate when you entered or exited the meeting in the recording, allowing you to quickly catch up on what you missed. In the future, personalized timeline markers will also display when your name was mentioned and when the screen was shared.

Not a Microsoft Teams Premium Subscriber

If you’re not a Teams Premium subscriber, are there benefits of investing in this new feature? Yes, this tool can make your work more efficient, saving time and money. You won’t have to spend hours understanding meeting notes and tasks. Instead, you’ll receive a concise summary you can easily refer to.

Moreover, it enhances the level of organization and accountability in your team. Everyone knows their tasks and the expected outcomes by assigning action items and deadlines. The new Meeting Recap is a powerful tool for businesses looking to boost their productivity. Don’t hesitate to upgrade to Teams Premium and contact us if you need assistance.


Ashley DeJesus is the Sales/Marketing Manager.