Creating a Culture of Security in the Age of AI-Driven Cyber Threats

AI-Driven Cyber Threats

Creating a Culture of Security in the Age of AI-Driven Cyber Threats As cyber threats continue to evolve and artificial intelligence (AI) exponentially increases the sophistication and rate of these attacks, the most common vector of attack becomes the pivotal line of defense ā€“ the end user. Businesses are pouring unprecedented resources into their cyber … Read more

A Guide to Building a Successful IAM Program

Multifactor Authentication. Username and Password.

A Guide to Building a Successful IAM Program For technology professionals, managing a robust Identity and Access Management program is no longer merely about safeguarding assets. It has grown to encompass streamlined business operations and driving innovation. To master this, professionals must align IAM strategies with business goals, implement and integrate the right identity tools, … Read more

Teams Premium – AI Meeting Recap Now Available

Teams Premium - AI Meeting Recap

Microsoft Teams PremiumĀ  According to the Productivity Trends report from Reclaim, professionals now spend more than half of their 40-hour workweek in meetings. This means that in 2021, professionals spend an average of 21.5 hours per week in meetings, which is 7.3 hours more than in February 2020. It can be overwhelming for an individual … Read more