Healthcare Infographic: Why It’s Moving to the Cloud

Healthcare and The Cloud

We are excited to share our new infographic on why healthcare is transitioning to the cloud. Many healthcare organizations are beginning to leverage the cloud and virtualization, and we’ve outlined some related trends in our infographic.

It’s no surprise that healthcare is moving to the cloud, as many businesses and organizations benefit from it. The advantages of cloud computing are significant, including:

  • Flexibility and fast scalability of IT resources
  • Reduced CAPEX expenses, shifting costs to more predictable operational expenses
  • Shifting the focus from IT to core business activities for organizations
  • Increased accessibility to the IT infrastructure
  • Improved IT performance

For healthcare organizations, there are specific benefits tailored to the sector’s needs and concerns. Some highlights from our infographic include the following:

  1. Enhanced security is one of the most significant benefits for healthcare organizations transitioning to the cloud. 94% of healthcare organizations reported improved security after adopting cloud computing, a testament to the robust security measures.
  2. Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) drive cloud growth due to lower costs, improved patient care, and preference.
  3. Cloud-based Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are a game-changer for healthcare organizations. They make HIPAA compliance less costly, reduce aggravation, and significantly lower costs than traditional EMR systems, making them a cost-effective solution for healthcare providers.

You can find an expanded and more detailed view in the infographic above. We hope you find it as interesting as we do. Feel free to share any comments or questions below.