Building Robust, Secure, Compliant Systems With High Uptime

Senior IT leaders in state, federal, and commercial organizations face numerous challenges. The stakes are high with complex systems and millions of users, in addition to budgets that can approach or exceed a billion dollars.

In a 2021 report, Sophos notes that 66 percent of organizations were hit by ransomware in the last year—a 78 percent increase over the previous year. The average cost to remediate an attack was $1.4M, and recovering from an incident took one month.

Various actors interact with federal IT systems, and some have nefarious intent. ‘Good enough’ isn’t an option for building robust systems with high uptime and strong cybersecurity. The correct data and tools must be accessible to the right people at the right time.

When it comes to federal or commercial computing environments, iron-clad information security isn’t simply a nice-to-have — it’s a requirement.

Other mandatory aspects of such systems include robust compliance, data protection, governance, and internal auditing procedures and controls.

It’s a tall order to provide systems that meet such high expectations. Once you add the requirement to update legacy systems to a modern hybrid or cloud environment, the project scope may go beyond the internal capabilities of some organizations.

That’s where the need for partnering comes into play, but selecting a vendor has challenges.

Our Federal Capabilities & Services

AISN helps leaders in large state and governmental organizations to implement their IT strategy. Compliant systems must align with security standards, guidelines, and best practices in this context. AISN is a leading authority in helping federal-level entities architect large-scale, compliant systems.

Senior IT leaders in federal organizations, including defense, corrections, education, healthcare, and finance, know the pain points around vendor selection. Choosing the proper organization to partner with requires trust — in the resource bench, track record, certifications, credentials, and other proof of competency.

Here are a few data points that highlight the scale of AISN’s capabilities and experience.



Compliance is mandatory for senior IT leaders at the state and federal levels. AIS Network offers Homeland Security CONUS services. Specifically, SOC 1 Type 2 and SOC 2 Type 2 and HIPAA (AISN is audited for SOC 1 and 2 Type 2 and HIPAA compliance annually by a third party). Our solutions are tailored for large clients with strict requirements to adhere to the latest compliance regulations in their industry.

Cloud Enablement

Cloud Enablement

With secure and compliant hosting architecture, we enable federal organizations to seamlessly transition to a hybrid or cloud environment. Whether you want to migrate a portion or all of your IT assets to the cloud, we can help you smooth the transition. Our experienced team will ensure that security protocols are vital to prevent data breaches.

Managed Security Services

Managed Security Services

After conducting an in-depth vulnerability assessment, we help federal organizations develop and implement an information security plan. We then create security controls appropriate to data sensitivity, risk, and system importance. Penetration testing and other methods verify the integrity of firewalls and other security measures.

Whether drafting policies, procedures, access controls, or automating parts of the security process, AISN has been a trusted provider for state-level agencies since 2012. We help you operationalize your IT security strategy.

If you have questions about your organization’s security policies or want expert-level advice, contact us at your convenience.

Cloud Enablement

Application Development

AISN delivers best-in-class native and web application development that aligns with current best practices for security, compliance, and user experience. Whether your department needs a desktop or mobile application, our experienced team will bring your vision to life. We can build, deploy, and host your application or website in our high-security/high-compliance cloud environment.

Managed Services

Many state agencies are among our clients, and many of them have been with us since 2012.

Our Active Directory team supports more than 62,000 state employees daily, so we are accustomed to managing large, complex systems.

These are just a few of the organizations we have worked with. Feel free to contact us for more details about these and other entities we have helped.

AISN provides compliant managed services for state, federal and commercial organizations that require standard NAICS codes for procurement or purchasing.

Senior IT leaders from federal, local, or state agencies, educational institutions, and government contractors feel secure with AISN’s government—and education-compliant solutions.

If your organization seeks a vendor to partner with, we invite you to reach out.

We’re here to help. Contact us today.