Maximizing Security: Why Colleges & Universities Should Hire a Managed Security Services Provider

Wooden blocks with icons of graduation caps and E-learning icons on wooden blocks. E-learning concept for success.

Maximizing Security: Why Colleges & Universities Should Hire a Managed Security Services Provider Colleges and universities play a vital role in fostering innovation, research, and education. However, they are increasingly becoming targets for cybercriminals due to their often weak security measures, valuable research data, and personal information. Hiring a managed security services provider (MSSP) can … Read more

Critical State, Federal & Commercial Data — Protected & Compliant

Critical State, Federal & Commercial Data — Protected & Compliant

Building Robust, Secure, Compliant Systems With High Uptime Senior IT leaders in state, federal, and commercial organizations face numerous challenges. The stakes are high with complex systems and millions of users, in addition to budgets that can approach or exceed a billion dollars. In a 2021 report, Sophos notes that 66 percent of organizations were … Read more

Penetration Tests Help Avoid a Data Breach

Penetration tests and vulnerability scans, if performed regularly, will help your organization avoid a costly data breach.  Did you know that? So why don’t more companies get on the ball and do this? Nearly every week, we read about a malicious hacker who has penetrated a security gap in an organization’s infrastructure to gain access to loads of … Read more