Five Tips on E-commerce Data Migration for a Successful Digital Store Front

A women on an iPad shopping online. ecommerce and data migration.

Five Tips on E-commerce Data Migration Over the years, AISN team members have designed, built, and optimized multiple e-commerce websites using waterfall and agile development methodologies and processes as required. From brochure websites that tell a story to data analytics sites with millions of data points to e-commerce sites handling a healthy sales volume, you … Read more

Payment Gateways for E-Government and E-commerce

a person typing on a computer with a credit card in their hand.

Payment Gateways for E-Government and E-commerce In the 21st century, easy payments have become a critical and expected part of the digital customer experience. Today’s consumers are accustomed to buying products and services quickly and easily online. The COVID-19 pandemic, which shut down many brick-and-mortar stores and government offices, only strengthened digital commerce as a … Read more