7 Cybersecurity Tips for Your Organization

cartoon picture of people sitting in an office setting discussing cybersecurity.

7 Cybersecurity Tips for Your Organization In the current era of rapid digital advancement, protecting your organization from cyber threats has become increasingly crucial. With the ever-evolving landscape of digital security risks, staying proactive and safeguarding your business’s sensitive data and systems is essential. To aid you in this endeavor, here are seven indispensable cybersecurity … Read more

Healthcare: Phishing, Ransomware & the Quantum Leap

Quantum Computing

Healthcare: Phishing, Ransomware & the Quantum Leap In the rapidly evolving arena of healthcare cybersecurity, frontline defenses are continually tested by sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. Insights from the 2023 HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Survey, released this month, illuminate this battlefield, revealing that 58.52 percent of healthcare organizations pinpointed email phishing as the initial breach point, … Read more