The Critical Need for Penetration Tests in the Manufacturing Sector

Advanced High Precision Robot Arm inside Bright Electronics Factory.

The Critical Need for Penetration Tests in the Manufacturing Sector In today’s digital age, manufacturers are critical to the U.S. economy; however, they are increasingly at risk due to their reliance on complex technological systems to drive efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness. This digital transformation exposes them to significant cybersecurity threats. One crucial defense mechanism is … Read more

Healthcare: Phishing, Ransomware & the Quantum Leap

Quantum Computing

Healthcare: Phishing, Ransomware & the Quantum Leap In the rapidly evolving arena of healthcare cybersecurity, frontline defenses are continually tested by sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. Insights from the 2023 HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Survey, released this month, illuminate this battlefield, revealing that 58.52 percent of healthcare organizations pinpointed email phishing as the initial breach point, … Read more

5 Tips for Protection and Prevention Against Ransomware

5 Tips for Protection Against Ransomware

If you’re looking for tips on safeguarding yourself or your organization from ransomware, you’ve arrived at the right place. In our previous blog post, we defined ransomware and explained why it poses a severe threat, so please take a look if you haven’t already. We’ll then guide you to protect yourself and your organization from … Read more

What Is Ransomware and Why Is It a Threat?

What Is Ransomware and Why Is It a Threat?

What Is Ransomware? This past week, Ransomware dominated the news cycle. Cybercriminals attacked the Colonial Pipeline, disrupting the gas supply and causing widespread gas shortages along the East Coast. Let’s define ransomware and explain why it is a threat. Next week, return to this blog. We will help you understand how to prevent a compromising event. … Read more

Ransomware: Best Practices for Critical Infrastructure Companies

Ransomware: Best Practices for Critical Infrastructure Companies

This month, the Colonial Pipeline paid a $4.4 million ransom to malicious cyber actors who hacked their information technology network to steal data. Would you have done the same? The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report that these criminals deployed DarkSide ransomware against the pipeline company’s network. … Read more

Ransomware Is Getting Worse. Here’s Why You Need Pen Testing.

Ransomware Is Getting Worse. Here's Why You Need Pen Testing.

Ransomware Hits the Entire East Coast The fuel giant Colonial Pipeline was hacked on Friday by ransomware cybercriminals, impacting everyone on the East Coast. From rising fuel prices and lines at the pump to the specter of a widespread gas shortage and inflation, the United States is in a severe bind. Why? Ransomware. Sophisticated Russian hackers … Read more