Data Center Tiers – What Are They?

Data Center Tiers – What Are They?

The datacenter tiers help people understand the capabilities of a datacenter by describing the availability of data from the hardware at the datacenter.

Cloud vs. VPS

By Donna Hemmert AIS Network, VP Strategy  Cloud vs. VPS? We often get the question of what is the difference between Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and cloud servers.  Both use a virtualized (as opposed to physical) environment and so they are often confused. First it’s important that you understand virtualization. Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version … Read more

PRIMER: How are Disaster Recovery and Backups Different?

So, you are working through your go-forward IT strategy and need to make sure that you have things covered should something go wrong. Pretty quickly, you notice that the terms “Backup” and “Disaster Recovery” are quite often being used interchangeably. But, the truth is, they are different. Related, yes, but different. How are disaster recovery … Read more