Why You Need a Routine Penetration Test

a laptop computer with a key and lock

Why You Need a Routine Penetration Test Ugh. How embarrassing! Let’s say you suddenly found yourself in the position of notifying your partners, clients, and vendors that cyber criminals may now have their data – because YOU failed to protect it. How would you feel? Pretty bad? But wait! There’s more. Your mortification will be … Read more

Enhancing Cybersecurity With Penetration Testing

Enhancing Cybersecurity With Penetration Testing

What Is a Penetration Test? You know you need one, but what exactly is a pen test? A penetration test, also known as a pen test, assesses the security of a computer system, network, or web application by simulating an attack from an adversary. This testing involves using tools and techniques to exploit known vulnerabilities … Read more

Ransomware Is Getting Worse. Here’s Why You Need Pen Testing.

Ransomware Is Getting Worse. Here's Why You Need Pen Testing.

Ransomware Hits the Entire East Coast The fuel giant Colonial Pipeline was hacked on Friday by ransomware cybercriminals, impacting everyone on the East Coast. From rising fuel prices and lines at the pump to the specter of a widespread gas shortage and inflation, the United States is in a severe bind. Why? Ransomware. Sophisticated Russian hackers … Read more