8 Tips to Help You Guard Against Phishing

emails hanging from fishing hooks

8 Tips to Help You Guard Against Phishing This month’s security awareness tips concern an increasingly common, sophisticated, and dangerous threat: phishing. Phishing is a form of cyberattack whereby the attacker sends fraudulent communications (email, text, phone calls, social media messages, etc.) in an attempt to trick the user into divulging critical personally identifiable information … Read more

5 Tips for Protection and Prevention Against Ransomware

5 Tips for Protection Against Ransomware

If you’re looking for tips on safeguarding yourself or your organization from ransomware, you’ve arrived at the right place. In our previous blog post, we defined ransomware and explained why it poses a severe threat, so please take a look if you haven’t already. We’ll then guide you to protect yourself and your organization from … Read more

Security Awareness Training

Security Awareness Training

Security awareness training for employees is a critical component of compliance and security in your organization. The risk of an employee not understanding the potential security threats facing them as a frontline target could be just the opening that an attacker needs to create a security breach. You are only as strong as your weakest … Read more

Six Tips to Secure Healthcare Data, Ensure HIPAA Compliance

It’s one thing to suffer one data breach – there is room to recover. Will Anthem survive a second breach? Don’t let this happen to you. With the Anthem breach still on the forefront of everyone’s minds, as well as the upcoming supervision from the OCR and the new phase of HIPAA audits, we have put … Read more