Ensuring Security and Compliance

Ensuring Security and Compliance

Most organizations tend to focus on becoming compliant rather than being secure. And while meeting client requirements and industry regulations is very important, it does not necessarily guarantee that your organization is secure. If your entire information security program is based on “What must we do to be compliant?”, you’re probably missing some major holes … Read more

Information Security Program Is Critical

Information Security Program Is Critical

An information security program is a critical component of any organization regardless of the size of your business or the industry you’re in. A good information security program consists of a comprehensive set of information security policies and procedures, which is the cornerstone to any information security program. Whether you’re responsible for protected health information … Read more

Our Site Was Not Hacked

Our Site Was Not Hacked

No. Our site was not hacked. Period. Yesterday, a customer Googled us only to find this — under our name, a notation from Google, which indicated “This site may be hacked.” Since our core strength is security and we are regularly audited by independent auditors to ensure our 24x7x365 security posture, this surprised us considerably. … Read more

WannaCrypt Ransomware Defense

WannaCrypt Ransomware Defense

Looking for WannaCrypt ransomware defense? On Friday, May 12th, a large ransomware attack was launched, known as WannaCrypt (a.k.a. WannaCry). It infected more than 230,000 computers across 150 countries. This unprecedented cyberattack left organizations struggling in the aftermath as they try to recover. WannaCrypt demands payment of ransom in bitcoin and has spread in several … Read more

When Hackers Strike

When Hackers Strike “The battle against terrorism is not only a military battle, but primarily a battle of information” -Ahmed Chalabi   In today’s globalized and cyber-connected world, hackers are a real and present danger. The threat of “bad guys” extends to the Internet and the security of your life and personal information. Throughout history, … Read more

Security Awareness Training

Security Awareness Training

Security awareness training for employees is a critical component of compliance and security in your organization. The risk of an employee not understanding the potential security threats facing them as a frontline target could be just the opening that an attacker needs to create a security breach. You are only as strong as your weakest … Read more

Call Monitoring Compliance

Call Monitoring Compliance

It’s important to analyze and fully understand the areas of risk as the CFPB continues to closely supervise the collections environment and call monitoring compliance. One of the biggest risks to a collection agency is communication with consumers, making the monitoring of calls a very telling practice.  An effective call monitoring program is a critical … Read more

Compliance Mistakes: 5 Killer Errors

Compliance Mistakes

Compliance mistakes can be costly. Very costly. The fines associated with non-compliance and/or data breaches are stiff and punishing in multiple ways. Sarah Morris of KirkpatrickPrice, our auditor, kindly put together this list of five key compliance mistakes. At AISN, we urge you to be proactive about compliance and security and understand how to avoid … Read more

PCI DSS: 15 Common PCI Compliance Gaps

15 Common PCI Compliance Gaps

Common PCI compliance gaps?  You bet!  We can identify 15 of them. The need for enhanced security is becoming more and more obvious every day. As the security landscape changes, the threats to our sensitive data become more serious, and as a result, the controls that we put in place have become stronger. We see a … Read more

Guaranteeing Hosting Compliance

Guaranteeing hosting compliance.  It’s pretty much something that AIS Network has always done, and it’s a clear service benefit.  Our compliance with multiple security and regulatory standards such as HIPAA/HITECH, FISMA, FERPA, PCI DSS, GLBA, SOX and others repeatedly saves our clients time and money and helps them to avoid costly litigation over compliance errors. Up until … Read more