Understanding Azure and SQL Server

Understanding Azure and SQL Server

Microsoft Azure and SQL Server Microsoft Azure does not sell virtual machines with SQL Server pre-installed but instead provides SQL Server databases derived from larger SQL Server Servers. Recently, a colleague asked me about SQL. If we sold someone a self-service HyperV private cloud, and they spun up an SQL instance, how would that be … Read more

Benefits of Running Windows Server and SQL Server on Azure

Benefits of Running Windows Server and SQL Server on Azure

Successful cloud migration begins with crucial decisions and simple steps forward, such as running Windows Server and SQL Server on Azure. Why Azure? Customers choose Azure for their Windows Server workloads for cloud security, increased agility, and reduced costs. Do you mean I can’t just use my old Windows Server technology? Why not? Let’s take … Read more

Utilizing Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Utilizing Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Not ready to give up on your on-premises SQL Server licensing investment but eager for the benefits of the cloud? Get the best of both worlds by utilizing Azure Hybrid Benefit to save up to 55% on Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. What is it? Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is a new deployment … Read more

SQL Server Virtualization and Why It May Not Be a Good Idea

By Terry Engelstad MCP, MCSE, CCNA, MCDBA, MCTS, MCITP AIS Network Operations Manager It’s very tempting to move Microsoft SQL Server instances to a virtualized environment, especially now that virtualization has become more sophisticated. Theoretically, reducing the number of physical machines that you have while saving money by cutting your power, maintenance and licensing costs, … Read more

SharePoint and SQL Server: Give It Memory

By Terry Engelstad MCP, MCSE, CCNA, MCDBA, MCTS, MCITP AIS Network Operations Manager If you are not familiar with how SQL Server works, you should know that it does, in fact, use memory for caching of data.  If you don’t give it enough memory, then it won’t cache enough data.  If you don’t cache enough … Read more