HIPAA+SOC 2: Why Dual Compliant Healthcare Hosting

HIPAA+SOC 2: Why Dual Compliant Health Care Hosting

HIPAA+SOC 2: Why Dual-Compliant Healthcare Hosting In today’s digital healthcare landscape, ensuring the security and privacy of sensitive patient data has never been more crucial. HIPAA-compliant and SOC 2-compliant hosting is the bedrock for data and healthcare application security and integrity. For healthcare organizations navigating the complexities of data protection, understanding the importance of HIPAA and … Read more

Healthcare: Phishing, Ransomware & the Quantum Leap

Quantum Computing

Healthcare: Phishing, Ransomware & the Quantum Leap In the rapidly evolving arena of healthcare cybersecurity, frontline defenses are continually tested by sophisticated phishing and ransomware attacks. Insights from the 2023 HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Survey, released this month, illuminate this battlefield, revealing that 58.52 percent of healthcare organizations pinpointed email phishing as the initial breach point, … Read more

Protect Your Data – World Backup Day Explained

Protect Your Data - World Backup Day Explained

Understanding World Backup Day Ismail Jadun, a digital consultant, was inspired to create an annual event called World Backup Day after reading a Reddit post about someone losing all their data due to a hard drive failure. His goal was to raise awareness about the importance of creating backups for critical files and documents to … Read more

Revamp Your Digital Strategy: 12 Signs It’s Time for a Website Redesign

Revamp Your Digital Strategy: 12 Signs It's Time for a Website Redesign

When Does a Website Need a Redesign? In the current digital age, having a website is crucial for any business. It acts as a virtual storefront that anyone can access at any time. A well-designed website focusing on user experience can improve engagement and drive traffic. However, if some website features need to be updated … Read more

BEAD Cybersecurity Requirements – All You Need to Know

BEAD Cybersecurity Requirements

BEAD Cybersecurity Requirements – All You Need to Know Securing Your BEAD Award: A Guide for ISPs on Meeting Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program Cybersecurity Requirements Imagine a future in which every American, regardless of location, has access to high-speed internet ― where the digital divide is a thing of the past and the … Read more

Fortifying Cybersecurity in State and Local Government

State and Local Government

Cybersecurity in Government In an age where digital technology permeates every aspect of our lives, government agencies stand at a critical juncture in the fight against cyber threats. The rising tide of cyberattacks necessitates a multi-layered, dynamic approach to cybersecurity. Protecting sensitive data involves warding off threats and building a resilient, adaptable defense system. Here’s … Read more

8 Tips to Help You Guard Against Phishing

emails hanging from fishing hooks

8 Tips to Help You Guard Against Phishing This month’s security awareness tips concern an increasingly common, sophisticated, and dangerous threat: phishing. Phishing is a form of cyberattack whereby the attacker sends fraudulent communications (email, text, phone calls, social media messages, etc.) in an attempt to trick the user into divulging critical personally identifiable information … Read more

3 Reasons to Modernize Legacy IAM and CIAM Programs

Women in Technology - Identity Access Management

3 Reasons to Modernize Legacy IAM and CIAM Programs Organizations that depend on outdated enterprise Identity and Access Management and Customer Identity and Access Management systems overlook essential opportunities to enhance security measures, unify platforms, simplify resource management, and reduce costs. Why Modernizing Your IAM and CIAM Programs Is a Business Imperative In this era … Read more

Determining the Cost of an IAM Program

Identity Access Management Fingerprint Entry 3d Illustration

Determining the Cost of an IAM Program In today’s complex digital ecosystem, implementing a robust identity and access management program is not just a security measure but a business imperative. However, as with any significant initiative, one of the first questions that comes to mind is, “How much will it cost?” Pricing an IAM program … Read more

A Guide to Building a Successful IAM Program

Multifactor Authentication. Username and Password.

A Guide to Building a Successful IAM Program For technology professionals, managing a robust Identity and Access Management program is no longer merely about safeguarding assets. It has grown to encompass streamlined business operations and driving innovation. To master this, professionals must align IAM strategies with business goals, implement and integrate the right identity tools, … Read more