Why Use Microsoft 365?

Why Use Microsoft 365?

Why use Microsoft 365? Marketplace and digital trends increasingly shape the way we work and do business. That’s true at AIS Network, so we internally switched to Office 365. We can be anywhere in the world, evaluate business propositions, work together on PowerPoint sales presentations, run through spreadsheets, and participate in meetings from customer locations … Read more

Microsoft CSP Membership Expands AISN Cloud Services

Summary: The Microsoft CSP Program allows AIS Network to provide direct billing, sell combined offers and services, and directly provision, manage and support Microsoft cloud offerings. These include Azure managed services and Office 365 managed services.   McLean, Va. — July 28, 2016 — AIS Network has expanded cloud services for its North American clients via its … Read more

Private SharePoint Cloud: For Large Enterprises, It’s the Way to Go

By Jay Atkinson AIS Network CEO Just last week, we made a bold statement that has captured quite a bit of attention within the SharePoint community. We revealed that we are now deploying SharePoint Server 2010 in a single private cloud for less than our competitors are charging for a public or hybrid cloud implementation.  … Read more

What Is Microsoft Office 365? What Is SharePoint Online? (Part 1 of 2)

What Is Microsoft Office 365?

What is Microsoft Office 365? In June 2011, Microsoft released Office 365, essentially bundled online software hosted in the cloud. Office 365 replaced Microsoft’s Business Productivity Online Services (BPOS) and bundled the latest upgrades of its SharePoint, Exchange, and Lync Server solutions. So, when you hear “SharePoint Online,” that means SharePoint as it is presented … Read more